I am now a dotblogger

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I am now a dotblogger

Choosing a brand new name for your personal website, or for your business can be challenging, especially when your favorite top-level domains (TLDs) are unavailable.

  • .blog can help you change that.
  • .blog is fairly new.
  • .blog is eye-catching and easy to remember

It’s a fairly new namespace that allows everyone to be a publisher on the internet, with their favorite name.

The word blog has expanded from being almost just like personal journals to really sort of indicating, a more interesting website. In a world where everyone is a publisher on Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, etc, more businesses are starting to realize as well that, conversation that happens in the comments of a Instagram photo, or people tagging each other, or things like that, is often what drives a lot of value. Now, it is a conversation. It is social. But, you are not going to build the next big thing, purely on someone else’s domain. You need to have your own domain. — Matt Mullenweg.


It’s almost like 500 years ago, everyone in the world have their own printing press and could publish as much as they want. That is the opportunity that we have today. — Matt Mullenweg.

I now have a brand new address at arun.blog.

I am now a dotblogger. Join me on this journey. Secure yours now.

Or, become a .blog registrar.